2023 CLC Thailand Team

Christ Lutheran Church will be sending its fourth servant team to Thailand this summer; they will be there for just over two weeks. CLC sent its first team back in 2013 to partner with the Mighty Oak Tree Foundation. The MOT Foundation works alongside families, giving children who live in extreme poverty assistance through educational scholarships and equipping families to carry out sustainable income-generating projects in their homes. The foundation works to prevent child trafficking so all kids can grow and thrive in northern Thailand.
The directors and the foundation are current benevolences of CLC.
The fourth team will work with the foundation and hope to continue its impact in the community. There are three phases to the servant trip.

Phase One: Culture Immersion

The team will spend the first five days in the cities of Bangkok and Pattaya. During this time, they will visit local temples and dive into the culture. While in Pattaya, they will serve in the local slums and do bar ministry at night.
Pattaya is known around the world for its prostitution.

Phase Two: Serving and Prevention

The team will travel to the city of Fang, where the MOT Foundation is located. For seven days, they will serve the foundation in a variety of ways. They will lead worship on Sunday at Good News Church. They will build a needed compost structure for the orphanage. They will also visit a Lahu hill tribe that CLC has visited with previous teams. One highlight during this phase is spending time with the orphanage.
They will do fellowship and ministry events with the girls in the orphanage.

Phase Three: Debrief

The team will head down south to the city of Phuket to debrief about their trip. This will be a time where they spend time with God as a team and by themselves. During this time, they will go over the trip and how God worked through them as a team. This is an important time for the team,
as they can reflect on the whole experience before they head home into their busy lives.

Please keep the team in your prayers as they prepare to leave on June 17th.
If you have any questions, please contact Noel Thompson at [email protected].